
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Google Panda Algorithm Update - Article Marketing And How To Write Articles

Article marketing will live on, but you may have to learn how to write articles differently after the Google Panda algorithm update. Some call it the Farmer update, but that is just one guy's name for it - Google named it Panda, so Panda it is. What did this Panda algorithm update achieve?
Panda is an update to Google's search engine algorithm, that determines what web pages should be indexed and where these pages should appear in the results pages offered to people using specific search terms to find information. In a nutshell, it changed the way Google looked at web pages and listed them and in turn, the way that online marketers used article marketing.
The main change was to put more emphasis on the site as a whole, and to remove web pages that failed to offer expert information on the topic. If an article seems shallow in content, and does not appear to be written by an expert, if it appears sloppy and not well researched, if it is short or fails to offer information other than what is obvious, then Panda might well decide it does not deserve a listing.
Keep in mind that Google's main objective is to provide Google users that are using the search engine to find useful and authoritative information on the topic defined by their search term. It does not take your article marketing strategies into account, and if Google's algorithm calculates that your page content or article is not offering useful and authoritative information then don't expect it be listed.
So how to you write articles to meet the needs of Google's customers - not Google, take note, but Google's customers! Those who understand how to write articles after Panda will know that they should write only on those topics they know a fair bit about. Article marketing has returned to the domain of the writer rather than the plagiarist or the spinner.
Fudging and waffle will no longer work, no matter how many keywords you sprinkle about in it, and this signifies the end of many fairly expensive eBooks out there that explains how to create meaningless articles, and also of many forms of spinning software that will generate articles of little meaning and certainly no chance of being listed.
Article spinning is on its way out due to the Google Panda algorithm update no matter what the software designers try to tell you - straight from Google's mouth! Give up spinning and start writing your own articles with substance; with a lack of similarity to thousands of other articles and with some unique or at least meaningful information useful to Google's customers.
Articles of below 400 words will no longer be acceptable by most article directories, and you are recommended to write from 500-800 words if you want Google to list your articles or web pages.Many article directories no longer accept fewer than 400 words - I think the minimum should be 500, but I was also one of those that complained about articles of under 400, so I got my way.
How to write articles after Google Panda? Easy! Write about a topic you know or care about, write well with good grammar and spelling (bad grammar is no longer acceptable in article marketing), structure your article properly, making it absolutely clear what you are writing about, and try to be original without copying other articles. Do all of that then perhaps your article will be accepted for publication, and if it is then you also have a chance of it being listed by Google.
Acceptance and listings are no longer guaranteed, and large numbers of submissions are being refused when they would have been accepted for publication prior to Panda. Most of these substandard articles have been removed from Google's index and hence its listings, and also from the directories' databases.
Article marketing is getting close to being honest again, with genuine writers writing genuine articles without recourse to software spinners or scrapers plagiarizing or copying from other articles published online. Google has got wise to you, so get honest, with clear and honest information, and you will be rewarded. Anything else and you will be punished if you do not know how to write articles properly - particularly after the Google Panda update.
More details on article marketing and the Google Panda algorithm update can be found on Pete's website Article Services where you will also find out how to write articles acceptable to Google and the article directories.
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