
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tawheed - Oneness of God - the Lord is One!

Indeed, the Prophet sent by God to convey the mission of Tawheed sentence, namely that human beings worship Allah alone and not worship any other gods besides Allah. A Muslim must have faith or believe that God exists. As TV, Car, Refrigerator, and others that may not occur by itself without any manufacturer, so did the heavens, earth, stars, sun, people, and others. Of course there which makes it, even God! "His friend (the believer) told him he was conversing with him:" Do you disbelieve in Him (God) who created you from dust, then from a drop of semen, then He made you a man perfect? ​​"[ Al-Kahf: 37] "God created the heavens and the earth with truth. Verily in this there are signs of Allah for the believers. "[Al 'Ankabuut: 44] Having believed in the existence of God, Muslims must believe that God is one. Indeed, the Prophet sent by God to convey the mission of Tawheed sentence, namely that human beings worship Allah alone and not worship any other gods besides Allah: "Say:" Behold, I am just a human like you, who revealed to me: "Behold your God is One God". Anyone expecting an encounter with the Lord then let him do righteous deeds and do it one as the worship of his Lord "." [Al-Kahf: 110] Previous prophets, like Abraham also teaches monotheism to his community to worship only one God: Allah and not associate God with others: "Verily Ibrahim was a priest who can serve as an example again obedient to God and Hanif. And occasionally he was not among those who ascribe (God), "[An Nahl: 120] "Then We inspired thee (Muhammad):" Follow the religion of Ibrahim, a hanif. "And he was not among those who ascribe the Lord." [An Nahl: 123] Luqman pious narrated in the Qur'an was advised that her son will not associate God with others: "And (remember) when Luqman said to his son, at the time he gave a lesson to him:" My son, do not ye ascribe (God) actually ascribe (Allah) is truly a great injustice "." [Luqman: 13] Every parent should follow the example of Luqman to instill the teachings of monotheism to each child. In Islam, the Oneness of God is the first pillar. If a convert to Islam, he must declare that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger: "Hadith of Ibn Umar: The Prophet has said: Islam is established on five cases that is the Oneness of Allah, establish regular prayers, took out alms, fasting during Ramadan and do Hajj" [HR-Bukhari, Muslim] Verily Allah is the Lord Almighty Creator: "Verily, I confronted myself to the Lord who made heaven and earth to tend to the true religion, and I'm not including those who ascribe the Lord." [Al-An'am: 79] "Praise be to Allah Who created the heavens and the earth, and entered into dark and light, yet those who disbelieve ascribe (something) with their Lord." [Al-An'am: 1] If there are people who worship God but Allah, such idols is a futile act, because the idol is not God the Creator. That's precisely the idols made by human beings: "Do they ascribe (to God) idols who can not create nothing? While the idols made by man himself. "[Al A'raaf: 191] "Say:" Why do you worship other than Allah, something which can not give harm to you and not (also) give manfa `at?" And Allah is the Hearer, the Knower. "[Al Maa-idah: 76] To worship Jesus or Jesus as Lord is a very big sin. God is the Creator of the universe, being Jesus or Isa is not the creator of the universe. Jesus or Isa is a man who was born from the womb of his mother, Siti Maryam: "Now hath disbelievers those who say: 'Allah is the Messiah son of Mary," but the Messiah (himself) said: "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord" Those who ascribe (something to) Allah, then surely Allah forbid him Paradise, and the place is hell, is not there for people wrong at no helpers. "[Al Maa-idah: 72] Surely, disbelievers are those who say that God can have children and be born as humans, so there is more than one God as God the Father and God the Son. How can God have a son, when he did not have a wife? Is there (na'udzubillah min forbid!) They think that God committed adultery with Mary, so have a child out of wedlock? Allah refuted the lies: "He is the Creator of heaven and earth. How can He have children when He has no wife.He created all things and He knows everything. "[Al-An'am: 101] In Surat al-Ikhlas stated: "Say: Allah is One God's place to ask He did not have children and do not diperanakan And none equal to him "[al-Ikhlas 1-4] Verily Shirk is a sin, or allying God is great: "With sincere to God, not associate anything with Him. Anyone who ascribe something to God, then is it as if falling from the sky and struck by birds, or blown away to distant places. "[Al-Hajj: 31] "Say:" Hold a journey on earth and see what was the end of those who first. Most of them are people who ascribe (God) "." [Ar Rum: 42] Obviously not the verses of the Qur'an on top for people who think or shirk it is reasonable that the perverted and sinful deeds. Indeed shirk or allying God is a sin that is not unforgivable. These are the words of Allah himself is written in the Holy Qur'an: "Verily Allah will not forgive the sin of shirk, and He forgives all sins, apart from this (shirk), for whom He wills. Whoever is to Allah, then indeed he has done a great sin. "[An-Nisa ': 48] "Allah does not forgive sin ascribe (something) with Him, and He forgives sins other than shirk it to anyone He wills. Those who ascribe (something) with Allah, then indeed he has strayed far astray. "[An-Nisa ': 116] If someone does polytheism, is futile even if they do much charitable things that are considered by men of "good": "Such is the guidance of God, whereby He gives guidance to whom He wills among His servants. If they are to Allah, He fled away from their deeds they have done. "[Al-An'am: 88] "And verily revealed to you and to the (prophets) are before you:" If ye ascribe (God), He will wipe away amalmu and surely you are one of the losers. "[Az-Zumar: 65] "It is not for the idolaters were to prosper the mosques of Allah, while they admit that they themselves are infidels. That the people who wasted their work, and they are eternally in hell. "[At-Tauba: 17] Indeed, Tawheed (Recognizing God exists and one, ie Allah), is the most important and first of all that must be learned by a Muslim. Prophet Muhammad for 13-year periods of the first prophetic, persistent convey the message of Tawheed to the unbelievers of Quraysh, as well as afterwards. I see a lot of people are too focused on issues of fiqh, tasauf, and others, but less examine the problem Tauhid. And Tawheed is the foundation of Islam. As a result, Aqeedah Muslim ummah so weak. How many people are praying, but corruption, how many people are pilgrims but remains committed adultery, and there is even a veiled Muslim woman, eventually marrying a heathen and a pagan, too. Many people who fall away because of his lack of Tawheed wrong. That is if we are too busy on the secondary, so forget the primary thing: Unity! Wassalamu 'alaikum wa wa rohmatullahi barokatuhu E2% 80% 93-Oneness-gods / 

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