Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Who is Our Lord?
It is inevitable, that the real God is only one. However, many people who worship a different God. There are worshiped the sun as a god. There are worshiping God the Father, God the Son, and so on. There is also the only worship God alone. Then, where is the true God according to Islam? How its characteristics? Indeed, we do not know anything about God, however, in the Qur'an, God describes its properties. According to Islamic teachings, God is the creator of everything: "God the Creator of heaven and earth, and if He wills (to create) something, then (enough) He just said to him:" Be ". And it is. "[Al Baqoroh: 117] "Surely, the (creation)` Isa in Allah's sight is like the (creation) of Adam. God created Adam from dust, then God said to him: "Be" (a man), then he became. "[Aal 'Imraan: 59] "Say:" Do any of ally-ally one can initiate the creation of the creature, then repeat it (turn) back? "Say: 'Allah is the start of creation, then repeat it (turn it) return; How then are ye turned away (to worship that besides Allah)? "[Yunus: 34] God also has everything, both on earth, the sky, and even that is between them: "Now hath disbelievers those who say: 'Allah is the Messiah son of Mary". Say: "Who then (hell) that can obstruct the will of God, if He wanted to destroy the Messiah son of Mary was with her mother and all those who are in the earth?" To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and what is among them: He creates what He wills. And Allah has power over all things. "[Al Maaidah: 17] God has existed before all things (early). The Lord also will remain, while others have been destroyed (end): "He is the First and the Last, The Zahir and The Bathin and He is Knower of all things." [Al Hadiid: 3] Therefore, it is not possible that God was born, when other creatures already exist, or even die, while other creatures still exist. If anything, it is nothing but a mere creature of God's creation. There is only one God: Allah. "Surely those disbelievers who say:" Behold, God one of the three ", but occasionally there is no God (which is right to be worshiped) but One God. If they do not stop what they said was, certainly those who disbelieve among them a grievous penalty will be overwritten. "[Al Maa-idah: 73] God has no allies. "Say: 'Who is Lord of heaven and earth?" He replied: "Allah." Say: "So why have you taken protectors apart from Him, when they have no power either and not (also) harm to themselves?". Say: "Are the same people and the blind can see, or samakah darkness and bright; if they make a few allies for God that can be created like His creation so that the two creatures are similar in their view?" Say: "Allah is the Creator everything and He is God Almighty Mighty ". [Ar Ra'd: 16] "And say:" Praise be to Allah Who has no son and has no partner in His kingdom and He nor abject that require helper and magnify Him with reverence as much as possible. "[Al-Israa: 111] Glory to God from having children and allies. "Allah has no son, and occasionally there is no god (other) along with Him, if any god along with Him, each god would bring the creature which he created, and some of the gods that will beat others. Glory to God from what they attribute to it, "[Al Mu'minuun 91] "And no one his equal." [Al-Ikhlas: 4] Allah is aware, both zahir want any unseen. "And to Him are the keys of the unseen; no one knew except Himself, and He knows what is on land and at sea, and no piece of daunpun the fall but He knows (too), and falling grain bijipun in the dark earth and not something that is wet or dry, but written in a clear (Lawh Mahfuz). "[al-An'am: 59] God Almighty. Often we are amazed to bravery / courage someone. But they are all nothing is eternal. People who are big and feared like Genghis Khan, Hitler, Roosevelt, all perished at the hands of God Almighty and Most Deadly. "If Allah willed, He destroyed you, O man, and He bring other people (in your place). And it is Allah Almighty to do so. "[An-Nisa: 133] "Then they took the gods other than Him (to worship), the gods did not create anything, even they themselves created and not the power to (reject) anything from him and not harm (others to take) something kemanfa` atanpun and (also) do not power off, turn on and not (also) generate. "[Al Furqaan: 3] Allah is All Set. Often we see a bridge that has been designed by experts and built hundreds of artisans with strong poles, collapsed instantly. Or air traffic is regulated by radar, air controllers, as well as pilot and co-pilot, still always have an accident each year. But never once sky without pillars collapsed upon the earth. The sun never hit the moon or the earth, although it has been around for billions of years. That is proof that the order it occurs because of the Supreme Self: God. "It is Allah Who raised the heavens without pillars (as) you see, then He dwells on the Throne, and subjected the sun and moon. Each outstanding until the specified time. God governs the affairs of (His creatures), explains the signs of (his majesty), that ye may believe the meeting (mu) with the Lord. "[Ar Ra'd: 2] God has also given much pleasure to people: "He who made the earth a bed for you and the sky as a roof, and He sends down rain (rain) from the sky, then he produces with it raining all the fruits as a sustenance for you and therefore do not set up rivals to Allah when ye knowing. "[Al Baqarah: 22] "Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, the alternation of night and day, the sailing ship at sea to take what is useful for humans, and which Allah sends down from the sky in the form of water, then with water that he turn the earth after its death (dry) wasand He spread in it all kinds of animals, and the winds and clouds which are controlled between heaven and earth: It is (there are) signs (oneness and greatness of God) for people who reflect. "[al-Baqarah: 164] Those are some characteristics of God, our Lord. Other attributes of God reflected in the 99 names of Allah (Asma ul Husna).
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